HOLLINGSWORTH PEONIES Hollingsworth Peonies are a reliable source for excellent varieties of peonies. Don and Lavon are two of the nicest people we have met.
RICE CREEK GARDENS new link A good source for peonies and many other perennials.
AMERICAN PEONY SOCIETY new link A good source of information on peonies. Join the society and learn more about this wonderful perennial.
OTHER PEONY LINKS More sources of information on peonies.
AMERICAN HOSTA SOCIETY A great source of information on hostas. Join the society and receive one of the finest journals published.
AMERICAN HEMEROCALLIS SOCIETY A website for information on daylilies. Join the society and receive another fine journal.
Updated 01 October 2001 HOME
Website: www.peacockgardens.com Email: links@peacockgardens.com
© Copyright 2001 by C.W. Johnson